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Alexander Grey
Alexander is one of the co-founders of Somaxis. He has supported multiple iterations of product development and production of wearable sensors measuring real-time electrophysiological and movement-based health data (sEMG, EKG, EEG, IMU). Alex has coordinated various development pathways including software, firmware, hardware / mechanical, materials, bring-up / testing, and failure analysis. He managed relationships with suppliers, customers, and engineers. Diverse physical product elements have included cable assemblies, flat and rotary dies for adhesive disposable patches, plastic enclosures, moulds for plastic enclosures, metal fixtures, electronic modules, and wearable textiles. Operated in a low-budget environment and overcame many challenges to bring the product to production. Directly managed multiple engineering teams in USA, Germany, and China. Alexander’s mission is to bring people together from all over the world to work together to improve health and quality of life. He believes in empowering people to take control of their bodies, their minds, and their environments. Alexander enjoys participating in Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and Yelp. He has personal social media profiles on LinkedIn and Facebook. His product designs have won awards. He has authored numerous patents. Today he serves as a technical and business advisor to Somaxis Inc, and is on the board of directors of the company.

Violetta Georgiou
Violetta Georgiou, PhD is one of the co-founders of Somaxis. In 1978, she co-founded Biofeedback Associates of California (BAC) and co-developed “Muscle Learning Therapy” “MLT”, which taught people how to use their muscles and environments (including chairs, desks, keyboards, mice, and work tools) in such a way as to avoid injury and reduce or eliminate back pain, neck pain, and tension headaches. It also acccelerates recovery from existing injuries such as Cumulative Trauma Disorders (RSI, TMD, Carpal Tunnel, Tendonitis), car accidents, and even gunshot wounds. Her business grew and BAC served individuals as well as companies such as Apple, Hewlett-Packard, Chevron, the San Jose Police, and many others. Studies she helped design and run at a major electronics manufacturing facility and independently for longitudinal efficacy of Muscle Learning Therapy have been published on the Journal of Applied Ergonomics and the Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation (respectively) and are available today on PubMed. Their protocols were also used in the creation of ergonomic chairs that were built by Soma Ergonomics – and which are still in use and extremely effective to this day.
In 2005, Violetta and Alex Grey started working on designing a health tech sensor to measure sEMG data accurately and cost-effectively. They secured angel funding in 2008 and formally incorporated as a new company, which is today Somaxis Incorporated. Violetta has driven the first high volume distribution orders for Somaxis, catapulting Somaxis into full-scale production in Q3 of 2016. Her passion is creating wearable designs that integrate seamlessly with the human experience. She is responsible for the physical design requirements of Cricket, and has leveraged her many years of experience with biofeedback and human factors into its creation.

Yan Zhang
Yan Zhang got her Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from the University of California Santa Cruz. She has published over 30 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and at conferences. This includes being awarded IEEE’s “Best Paper” in 2002. She was also the author or coauthor of over 30 international patents. She has worked for many years for Siemens, Tessera and other renowned international companies as Lead R&D Engineer. She later was promoted to Regional Marketing Director for Asia. In 2010, she returned to China and cofounded BeiAng Air Tech Ltd. Through all this prior work, she has accumulated extensive product and marketing experience in healthcare electronics and smart home products. In 2015, she cofounded Suzhou Chaoku Electronics Tech Ltd. together with Violetta Georgiou and Alexander Grey, which is a significant milestone of international operations for Somaxis.

Cindy Lin
Dr. Lin received her MD from Harvard and completed her residency at Stanford University Hospital. She is dual American Board Certified in Sports Medicine and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. She brings extensive experience in clinical research including in electromyography (EMG) and has published and presented her research in international medical journals and conferences.

Sebastian Guth, PhD
Dr. Guth received his Doctorate in Management Science from the Berlin University of Technology, and is currently the Chief Marketing Officer and Global head Strategic Marketing General Medicine at Bayer HealthCare. He brings a wealth of marketing know-how and an interest in the intersection of health data, wearable sensors, and smarthome sensors.

Alexandra Carmichael
Alexandra is a serial entrepreneur in the health technology space with two profitable exits. Alexandra co-developed Visual Cloning software to help life science researchers organize, analyze, and visualize genetic information; this first startup was acquired by Hitachi. She then co-founded CureTogether, a data-driven online community where patients compare notes; it was acquired by 23andMe in 2012. Alexandra was one of the co-founders of the popular Quantified Self movement.

Benjamin Kearns
Ben is an experienced technology manager with deep technical knowledge and the ability to inspire and the proven ability to create a global technology delivery organization. He is currently the VP of Technology for a smart energy storage company, and has successfully developed vast distributed multilayer sensor networks operating with low latency.